" Clash of the Flash" continues...
Today, Steve Jobs returned to the forefront introducing the new iPHONE OS 4 confirming that Adobe Flash is not supported on iPhone and iPAD devices applications with the addition of "his Thoughts on Flash" letter on the Apple site. This is not a surprise to the media who have gotten developers to create applications that DO work on them, including the HTML5 which is "in the works". This is evidenced by the over 200,000 apps available and more in the making; as well as the NYTIMES and other news media that have created "iPhone/ iPad ready" reading. His reasoning is based on the notion that "Flash was devised for PC use...not touch screen devices" and the dependence on third party to develop is curtailing progress.
Rumors are out (Mail ONline) that Steve Jobs may be introducing the new iPHONE G4 in June at the world developers meeting along with the new iPhone OS system. We are looking forward to seeing the advancements - as I love cameras, as you know, and this one reportedly has a flash and built in video conferencing device-
and NO Flash.
For additional reading on the new iPHONE OS4 and Steve Jobs KEYNOTE see the Apple site.
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