Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"APP for That" - "iPads in the classroom"

My photo of MacWorld magazine article on "Appstravaganza!"

"APP for That"  EDUCATION- Fine Arts Photo /Music/Presentation
 With over 200,000 apps for the iPhone and 1,000s' for the iPad-we can usually find an app for all kinds of things- including education.  I did a Google search for "iPads in the classroom" to see 82,000 results about how ipads support teaching to see how others are using ipads and encourage you to do the same.   This new tool with it's mobility is rising in use and has educators why should I use it in schools? Change for what?   I ask, "how can I use iPads in the classroom", "how is it better than a laptop", and "what apps work for what"? 

If the tool can help me manage my classroom more efficiently, than I want it. 
If the tool helps kids learn, I want it more. 
These questions take some time to research, try it, and see if YOU like it. It means changing the way you do things and at first that always takes more time- AND finding out what does NOT work but there is no easy answer.   Educators continue to select a certain book or lesson as it fits their style or addresses students' needs so I don't advocate for ONE tool to fit everyone's needs! 

However, putting a tool in each student's hands that is mobile, multi-tasking, and engaging - there is plenty to do to make teaching and learning more efficient, rewarding, and advanced.  For our students today are not going to be tied down to a pc or limited to reading paper only- they are digital natives born into a life of mobile devices and communications. Books will not be replaced but reading will be and IS on many platforms not just Paper. Writing on a surface to share with others is here to stay but we do have more tools than cave people or Egyptians did. 

As a lifelong Mac lover, I am more open to portable devices that offer the array of apps and design for easy access and learning  I love my iPhone - and appreciate the iPad introduction to more to do with more mobility than my MacBook Pro. Hence, I am exploring this first edition to new learning for "iPads in the classroom". You make your choice.

Here are some apps suggestions.

Presentation tools and more...

Presentation apps in addition to using iPad vga connector and document camera with great reviews: 
iDemoWeb by MightyMeeting Inc to use a VGA out using iPad as a web browser to connect to projector.  $1.99 

2Screens-Presentation Expert   2Screens has the ability to output to a projector from a web browser in addition to many other useful features.  $4.99

Keynote -$9.99 -slide show presentation

Pages-$9.99- word processing program, nice templates, will save  as word document.

Scriptwriting- free- one writes and it will set the format for scripts.

Dragon Dictation- free-Voice recognition to speak, see, and read text, then share to edit and email

ART -Photo

Impression- free - allows you to add a water mark to pics

Photo PAD- free- manipulate pics and make products Zaggskin

PhotoShop Express-free-  tools for cropping, color correction, borders

Louvre- free- Museum art work in gallery form

Getty Images- free- wonderful photographs displayed in true Getty form-editorial, creative, searches

Reuters Gallery- free- News in Pictures and video- great gallery updated daily

Notes - free - note taking and saving
Evernote- free version- jot down notes, take pics, and voice recording, more versatile, can save many places 

GoSkywatch- free- great astronomy tool


Music Studio Lite - free- allows you to create instruments and record tracks 
Entrackment- free- allows remote  controlling devices.  
Virtual Sheet Music- free- access to virtual sheet music
Pandora- free- Start with favorite music or artist and it creates a library or station of similiar music. 


Frogs in a POCKET- free -  non-violent game getting frogs to develop and multiply for points
Netflix- subscription for film rentals 

Using "iPads in the classroom" is a hot topic as more students and their families are sharing them at home for school research, entertainment, and communications with reports of  how happy they are as the tools are "easier to hold" and multi- task. It's one big advantage being is the mobility, using less paper and ink, and multi-access to resources.  
The apps make it increasing more user friendly and applicable to enriching our lives. 
I will be exploring more and making more reviews for use, in the meantime, Enjoy! 

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

iPad Archietecture

Pictures say 1000 words, well here are some ways that the iPad is changing our worlds.
Clarke Hopkins Clarke Idea Architects' iPad Library Wall Au

From the proposed iPad Wall designed by Clarke Hopkins Clarke
Idea Architects to a school library lab and homes... the touchpad revolution with access to the internet is transforming the way we read, access information, and the mobility of the device - changing the way we "meet" to use it.  The iPad is the mobile device but touch screens are everywhere - from the Hard Rock Cafe on Hollywood Blvd in LA that has touchscreen walls to entertain and teach about music history.

German cars with mounted iPads
Here is a strong PTO who helped to create the IMAGINARIUM
( iPad Lab) at the Pinnacle Peak Elementary School in Scotsdale, Arizona, decorated much like the APPLE store model with white walls, single words of inspiration, and what I call, Pods of learning.
A sixth grader came up with the focus . See the broadcast at the KTVK link.

Mounts for the Ipad are available  for homes, cars, and more.  The iPad mount accessory by Modulur , Griffin's cabinet attachment, and ProClip USA to name a few. The cost of $70 can put an iPad in a convenient place that once the plasma screens were popular for. This list get longer as I have even seen a rear seat iPad mount for the German cars like the  BMW "iPAD Out" mounts .

When an object becomes a frequent item in our every day life- it is no longer considered a luxury but a tool that does the job.  That is what I see with the students in my classes who pick it up and explore without hesitation ( or awe) applying to their focus to the task it does. Just the way tech should be. 

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mirroring Your iPAD : )

iPad for Presentations are limited right now as the software has not arrived that allows us to mirror the image;
however, using a "document camera" enables one to do this.

I do not recommend spending up to $800 for a Document Camera while we wait for the updated software so
here are some alternatives.

1. Use an old Digital Camera or Digital Camcorder or an old WebCam
2. Overhead projector stand or Copy Stand Or... Tripod with strapped to a viewing platform.
3. Connect the Camera to a Computer / LCD projector
and viola

a Document Camera capability.

Here are some articles for your viewing pleasure and other options.

This one is a YouTube  from
 demo advertising products for a make do.

Some attach a camera to a lamp but I would not suggest this for a classroom. 

: () saving lots of $$ in the meantime... and getting to use your iPads even more efficiently.

How to Build a Document Camera |

Saturday, October 9, 2010

John Lennon Legend -Google Tribute

Our world has been touched by great musicians and innovators. "The Beatles" legendary, John Lennon whose songs forever touch our hearts and spoke of the world being a 'better place" was celebrated by  Google  who recognized John Lennon's 70th Birthday with this doodle on Google sites. I chose this model for my digital design classes as an example of creativity, technical skills,  musical content, and history. I feel fortunate to have seen him perform live in their first concert to the U.S.A. and follow his life as his music changed the world forever.  Thank you Google for remembering him and  Thank YOU, John Lennon for leaving us your songs to live by.
"John Lennon Google Tribute"
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