Sunday, December 11, 2011


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

iPHone RETRO Style


YUBZ Retro Classic Handsets 
The disputes as to the effects of radiation on the human beings using cellphones continues. This time, we have marketing that promotes the "old school", retro, phone hand helds to be attached to our mobile devices using the "reduces 96%-99% of the
In fact, on the Imobifone Mobile Phone website, they state the following:

"LONG term mobile phone users could face a higher risk of developing cancer in later life according to a decade long study. The report was published earlier this year has reportedly found that heavy mobile use is, in fact, linked to brain tumors."

For me, I LOVE Old phones and the New ones so this is a great compromise to use what works from the old with the new technology.  MY FAVORITE is the TOP model that uses the old school phone into a stand for an iPhone. 
It is on Etsy and alittle pricey starting at $200. ( Above photo). 

See some other model  stands for home that hold your phone to do your business while seated. 

Here are a few sites to do some shopping. WORD OF CAUTION: Make sure the adapter fits your phone. 

Also... here is a global buyer with multiple items are reduced prices. for global trading. - with suppliers from China, Hong Kong, and United States. 

iMobifone Mobile Phones 

iMobifone Mobile Phones 

A+R Store-POP! 

iClooly Handset-iPhone-Wireless Headphone
Retro Telephone Landline Dock-Handset-for-iPhone 4-3G-3GS

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thank you, for picture taking, Mr.Daguerre

Thank you, Mr. Louis Daguerre, for Picture Taking! 

How the love of making pictures has progressed and the process of "picture taking" has gone leaps and bounds and we have Mr. Louis Daguerre to thank for allowing us to immortalize a moment. His innovations were one of the beginnings of our recording every moment to share with others. 

It was 1838, after years of experimentation with capturing images, that Daguerre explained his process before a joint session of the Académie des Sciences and the Académie des Beaux-Arts- describing  the  daguerreotype. As described by the Met, it is a "one-of-a-kind photographic image on a highly polished, silver-plated sheet of copper, sensitized with iodine vapors, exposed in a large box camera, developed in mercury fumes, and stabilized (or fixed) with salt water or 'hypo' (sodium thiosulphate),  Although Daguerre was required to reveal, demonstrate, and publish detailed instructions for the process, he wisely retained the patent on the equipment necessary to practice the new art."  

Celebrating his 224th birthday, Google honored  him with his own Google Family Portrait in the style of his works.  Both are innovators who provide us tools and ways to enhance the lives we live today- imaging in very creative ways and looking ahead to ways to improve our days- that is something to celebrate! 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

STEVE JOBS REMEMBERED in words and images "Oh Wow"

STEVE JOBS, Kindly Remembered 

I started this blog - inspired by the images I saw online Washington Post but after reading the eulogy from Steve Jobs' sister, Mona Simpson in the New York Times, I was so touched and enlightened - I need to refer you to her words and thank her for sharing her personal experiences. 
She describes so kindly the human connection she had with this man we have come to look to for technology innovations. Moved by her words, I will not even try to re-cap them for fear of losing the essence of her message. Please take the time and not focus on the media's Last words of Jobs, but share with me as I say, "Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow". 

Many tributes have been made to Steve JObs, as I suspect, will continue. This collection gathered by the Washington Post-"Steve JObs Inspired Art" is most creative.
The creative artists shown are: Charles Tsevis, Jonathon Mak Long, KJ Anton Powers, John Sherffun, Dylan Rescover, Mike Matis, and Boing, Boing.  It is inspiring me to do one of my own- forthcoming.
It is also reported in a NYTIMES interview that Jobs' sister recalled his last words as, "Oh Wow, Oh Wow, Oh Wow".

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Protection Case Study/iPhone

While waiting for my iPHONE 4S, my brother inspired me to shop more wisely and consider more protection for my new phone , ie cases and insurance.

Cases for Apple iPHONE 4 /4S

For my last two  iPhones, I bought cases at TJMaxx/ Marshalls or got gifts from my son's online treasures.  Usually I get ONE case ASAP and then look around to find something that fits well when in my pocket, I can hold onto for one handed camera shots, and like the way it look. When you buy online- you don't get to try it out but if you've looked at others' phones, in stores, and online purchases can cost less as my son often gets from his online deals and the global market.

With Apple tightening their belts and not going to replace screens so "nicely" ie, free of charge- I am looking at a stronger, more protective case which may also enhance the use of the iPhone for all activities. Some cases are like a vault encasement, ie. they sustain great pain ( the kids at school get them as they drop punt their phones and throw them around like Tom Brady passes to Dion.)

CNET reviewed their "Top 20 Tough iPhone Cases".  It will provide those who want to "protect their phones and not just have something that looks good, an option.  To make your choice, get something NOW, look around, and know what you will use your phone for.

For me, I am tempted by the  LIFE Proof Boxes for iPhone 4/4S GEN 2  $69.95- $79.95
Life Proof Boxes reputedly have protection and the ability to swim underwater, mud, sand, etc. with a high degree of shock protection.  Looking online, I was amazed at the feats that made me hold my breath as I saw the iPHONE underwater use and being thrown from high places by "ordinary people" NOT the manufacturers!

Uncasing the box, underwater, and in the water wilderness videos are pretty convincing.
While I am waiting for my iPHONE 4S, I will continue looking and report back on my decision.

Word of caution for iPHONE 4S users, some "4" cases block the 4S sensors window and the camera view.

 AppleCare Plus   ($99  for  2 drops or accidental breakage- you lose it, you buy new phone.
Apple and the other multi -billion dollar service provider companies are not on the same page -
re: Apple Care. I think it is so the Phone companies will sell their insurance plans and Apple Care PLUS is out to make more money changing screens.  NO ONE has ONE answer- Frustrating to us consumers.
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Apple - Introducing Siri on iPhone 4S

the new PA ... envisioned in 1987 by Apple.
Just be careful of what you Ask for : )

More to come.. when I get my new iPHONE 4S

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One of a kind "Steve jobs"

Having just heard of the passing of one of my fav Innovative Leaders, Steve Jobs - the creator and leader of Apple- I am deeply saddened.
It is not about the business and the stability of Apple products nor the economy or possible loss of jobs- it is the loss a driven man whose curious mind and Genius being - lived the American Dream. He collaborated with others producing a box that allowed the every day person to have computers and later devices that changed our lives.

I recall many years Apple products had to strive ahead amongst comments and downplaying as they competed with PC / Microsoft -
from it's early start when they made a model in a garage and Jobs shaved his beard and wore a suit to sell a uniquely designed component offering the everyday person an operating system on a  home computer.
His passionate genius and demand for Design with an end to empower the masses!

Design is not just the way it looks and feels but how it works- using good design to democratize technology.
Words that some have interpreted Jobs' philosophy.

He started to make computers so everyone could use them - something I first learned in 1983. Later,
Jobs extended that idea to other devices and each one I longed to get "the first one". Being one of those Apple lovers who has to watch every Apple presentation and have my picture at every store looking to try the newest devices, applications, and now apps. My son grew up in a household with no other computer and was one of the first to get an iPod- we still have the well designed box.

My preference for "Apple" met some who argued the products were too limited, too expensive, or not practical as it had unique software. However, the designs and products excelled in meeting our needs over the years to changing the way we communicate, create, and use technology.
I am happy that Jobs ( and I) have lived long enough to see how Apple has captured the eyes of the world. The iPod and iTunes began the cross over and the emerging of the iPhone sealed the deal. The Apple stores that are free Internet places and encourage free acess to computers, Internet acess, and software creations with training to this day are examples of making technology available to the masses.

Extending my sympathies to Steve Jobs' wife and family as we "friends" of our Apple genius also mourn his loss.

I end this blog with his words..."Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition - they somehow seem to know." Steve Jobs at Stanford U. Graduation 2005

Thank you, Steve for enriching and empowering my life- you are missed dearly,

an Apple lover and admirer of innovative genius,

Peg Verdi

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Apple EVENT  - News of Cupertino  iPhone 4S Oct. 14, 2011 Update:

No, NO  iPHONE 5 

I have to admit, I miss the ambiance and stage presence of Steve Jobs. 
This was the first disappointment. The second, NO iPhone 5.  Apple has updated the
 iPhone 4  with an iPhone 4S -  describing it as the 'greatest phone ever'
so how could anything be better. hmmmm

I feel like we have been jilted and are being given the option to spend our hard earned money and contract upgrade option - on a "new and better" iphone (4)  Actually, it sounds like an advertisement for a new and improved CAMERA and Mobile device. The proposed hype about new camera cases and  "more than one phone option" really set the stage for a newly designed 5 model. They did promise a better antenna setup for better reception, a faster processor for data transmission, and a longer lasting battery. 

It's most unique feature is an app called  SIRI  ( no not as in the Tom Cruise family.)  Siri is a "personal assistant" that  may save money on traffic tickets and headsets. 

Siri, if it works like they say, we can "have our texts read aloud to us " and we can respond to them. I wonder if it will "understand" my Boston accent. 
However, the Apple commercial , did remind me of a Saturday Night Live skit with a guy running and talking to his phone. 
Granted there are some great new things about this phone, but I am still in shock of  "NO iPhone 5".  I somehow feel this is a marketing manuever- to sell more of one kind of phone and milk the model until it is "old". Makes me want to boycott this model - and wait for the iPhone 5. 

Good news!  Next week, we will all be able to download for "free" a new operating system that will have some really cool and useful features- iOS 5 and the iCloud. Hope they work on the first iPad and iPhone. 

Tim Cook- new Apple spokes person -introduced this Apple Event. 

The new operating system will feature new apps. It includes: Cards-yo that will help to  create greeting cards; Game Center, a new version of Safari and Story mode strips out everything but the text and images from Web based text,  and a Reading List feature to bookmark articles. Reminders and Synch with Exchange and iCloud - to name a few. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ring, ring, ring.... Yes, that is the sound of the release date for the much awaited arrival of the newest iPHONE 5!  Wish I got an invite to this Cupertino event on OCT 4th , 10am PST when one version iPhone is expected to be announced. Predictions are that it will be a few weeks later.
ONE happy Apple lover here! 
I skipped the iPHONE 4 with it's squared off shape, Face-Time, and better camera- only to have the newest operating system.  A photographer who no longer bothers to carries a digital camera and phone and laptop and note pad and and and... 
I cannot WAIT to have a NEW camera. 

My biggest decision in the next week - is whether to stick with a 2 yr contract with ATT or head back to Verizon -giving up my 3000 minutes reserve and grandfathered price for data. 

Interesting Google ad following this blog entry-- the DROID popped up! Sorry, it is a waste of money and time- I won't settle for second place-      I want the REAL THING BABY.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Apple's Steve Jobs gets shout-out from Stevie Wonder

Apple's Steve Jobs gets shout-out from Stevie Wonder

Another attest to the "wonders of tech and APPLE products".
One of the devices and apps that even the playing or "living field" in life
that is marketed for the average person made available by Jobs.

Stevie Wonder whose lack of ability to see with his eyes - recognized the
amazing ways technology empowers his life.

Steve Jobs resigned recently from Apple CEO position as his health issues
do not allow him the energy to work the role.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

LA Time Lapse

LA Light from Colin Rich on Vimeo.
Song by Cinematic Orchestra
Website at:

Time lapse photography provides us with a video like quality and takes alot of time to capture each photo in sequence. In the bustling city of Los Angeles, here is an overview of streets and downtown buildings that provides a glistening sight.

Colin Rich says, "I sought out to capture the electric radiance of Los Angeles at night.
It took me 6 months of on and off shooting to finish this project and I've learned a couple things along the way." 

Cinematography, direction, and editing by Colin Rich

Produced by William Ahmanson

all things online...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


1. Log onto your acct.
2. Get a review of the MAC operating system - review the tutorial on Leopard.
3. Find your folder and make two new folders - one for your class works ( Graphics) ( Webdesign)
and one for Finished works.
4. Create tabs for in Safari
5. Create a word document using OPEN OFFICE ( in Applications folder)
NICE job!! you are done.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wishing you the Best, dear Mr. Jobs

Today the news flash included Steve Jobs resigning from his post at Apple to focus ( what we believe ) on his health and well being. You have given our world so much innovation and excitement in all my years as an Apple lover and I join so many others in wishing the Best.

Not many people can look at their careers and passions and see so many life / world changing innovations as we have from your works. There are times in all of our lives when we all may take time to focus in on ourselves - recharge and reconnect with our closest supports- you deserve this time.

I want to personally extend my best to you and thank you.
Best regards,

Peg Verdi

Long time Apple Follower and Supporter

Friday, July 29, 2011

Apple Store- "MADE IN CHINA" not by Steve Jobs

By now you may have read the "BirdAbroad" blog that relays an American traveler's surprise at seeing an Apple store in China that was NOT Steve Jobs plan.  For one who heads to an Apple Store in every new city I travel, hearing this only stimulates my curiousity as to how "close one can go with this". Even to the Apple shirts and tags for the customers and the spiral staircases in many of the stores.
The Wall Street Journal has posted additional pictures that reveal more information.

Images from the Wall Street Journal  relay to the extent the copiers did to make it look so much like the stores around the world that Apple strategically places. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Google+ Something LIke FB with more "privacy?"

Here is Google's new attempt to add features - mobile ones- to keep "us all connected with our "friends". Ok, anytime someone uses that term now, we have to question

Two things come to mind,

1. Just WHO are your friends?  and do you want ALL of your "friends"
personal circles, family, work, and new acquaintances and OLD flames
to be in this INNER CIRCLE?

2. Let's see what we have learned from the NEW MySpace and Facebook before "jumping in'
BUT do USE the GOOD In all and enjoy!!:  )

Anything we sign up for now and who we choose to include - may need some updating
and social re-building.

So before we JUMP IN and TRY the NEW way to connect-
My word of caution is..

As you select your friends and treat them with respect and loyalty-
select your friends' connections and share their personal info with the same.
If you think that Mark Zuckerberg ( and your "friends" on FB) has info about you, knows what you do , did , and with who and when..etc etc.. Google + is competing with them!  That said, proceed with caution. Colleges and Future employers "check" those online profiles and SEE your weekend and social life info. 

Another way to connect- like a new relationship- Go cautiously! 
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Monday, June 27, 2011

Retro Look for iPhone


Now here is a combination of two of my fav phones. Bringing a retro look with features for a handset and charging unit.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ready, Set, Go! SEPTEMBER- iPHONE 5

Never thought I would thank a competitor but I am happy for the Google Nexus and yes, the new Android coming out soon because Apple needs to push out the iPHONE ! In fact, recent news has projected Apple will come out with two new iPhones. Iphone 5 and a lower priced version iPhone 4S  says Deutsche Bank analyst Chris Whitmore .According to him,
It will release the iPhone 5, will have new features and operating system and the iPhone 4S, a "mid-range" prepaid smartphone priced at $350. The data plans would work similarly to the iPad. Users could sign up and pay for what they need when they need it.

White iPhone 4 helped the dry market field for awhile but we need to give the people what they want - the new operating system and a new reason to 'stick with the iPhone".

My phone service is ready for an upgrade - but why should I waste my "once in a 2 yr" upgrade time with a phone that has little more to offer but face-to-face and better quality pictures.  With articles questioning if the "new" Android Phone is an alternative to iPhone-- it is time for Apple to give us reasons to stick - a newer phone with features like a 4G network would help.

BACK TO SCHOOL with an iPhone 5 - I'll wait for that! 

FB Upload Celebrity Photo w/YOUR Name

 Confuse Mark Zuckerberg or Give him your "Privacy Rights" for Facial Profiling 

Everytime you post a picture ( or someone else posts one to FB) 

Do you realize that someone is tracking 
-Who you are, 
-What you like, 
-Who your friends are, 
-What you did last nite, 
-Where you are today and and and...

If  a Newspaper reporter takes your picture - you have to give permission to post it 
or if policemen takes your picture and shows it on Channel 5 news TV 
you may have a problem with that. 

However when YOU or someone else posts a picture to Facebook- 
Do you realize someone is collecting your   “biometric data collection” scheme and that it violates privacy and adversely impacts consumers...  
according to the The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), in a complaint file to the FTC.

 How to OPT out of FACIAL RECOGNITION on Facebook

1. Disable the Facebook facial recognition auto-suggest function for photo tagging.
Go to Account (upper right corner of homepage) - Privacy Settings - Custom settings (bottom middle) - Suggest photos of me to friends - Enabled/Disabled (check Disabled)
2. Vigilantly monitor your notifications about being tagged in photos so you can be in control of this data.
3. Upload pictures of celebrities or other people and tag them as yourself.  The point is to pollute Facebook’s facial recognition database of you so that its ability to identify you is weakened.
 4. Request Facebook to remove your "summary information" from its facial recognition database (hat tip to PCWorld).

Tips from : International Business Times  -June 18, 2011 10:50 AM EDT

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Google Doodle Guitar Honoring Les Paul - Permanent HOME

Google Doodle Guitar Les Paul LINK

Google Doodle                                      

Creative minds just keep on amazing me with design and technology_here is another example with the Google Doodle "Les Paul".   Shaped like the Google logo by10 strings of different pitches of  a guitar, the doodle guitar can be played either by moving the mouse over the strings, or by clicking a button below the strings that enables users to hammer out riffs using the buttons on their keyboard.
There is a red button with recording ability that will save your tune and forwarded to friends for collaboration. 

My students in class were strumming away today and in awe by this creation. I love whenever creativity involves and excites the senses.

GREAT NEWS!    Google Doodle GUITAR has permanent home
Check out all of the Google Doodles and re-visit some great old friends and new. Doodle History

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Verdi Google Design Contest

GOOGLE Doodle Design Contest
Ms.Verdi's FHS Graphics Classes

Google's Annual Doodle Contest for High School students has students from all over the country creating a special doodle based on the theme, "What I want to do someday".  The following entries were also submitted to the Google nationwide contest. The top three winners will be displayed in our FHS Library. Thank you for voting.


Happy 150 MIT from Verdi Media Works

MIT Celebrates 150 : 150 Ideas, Innovations!

One of my FAV places to learn- Massachusetts Institute of Technology is celebrating it's 150th year anniversary.  The Boston Globe MIT series  has devoted a special section with tributes, facts, and listings of activities. My first memory was as a 14yr old walking up those infamous steps to participate in a mind expanding weekend classes offered to High School students. It was most exciting to be chosen to be part of the StarLOGO program and have the opportunity to meet Mitch Resnick of
Computer Clubhouse and SCRATCH and yes, visit the MIT Media Lab.  One of my "must do" in Life checkoffs.

Giving back to the community with inspiration- MIT Museum has been a great field trip for my High School  students with a tour of the campus that includes the "crocked buildings" and hall of pranks : )
The annual MIT 35 is a great program that introduced me to several innovators with inspiring motivations and ideas for helping to provide our students to nurture their talents. 

One can also "attend' classes for free- as MIT was one of the first universities to share their courses online in the Virtual classes.

Congratulations MIT - you will always be  one of my favs! 

MIT 150: 150 ideas, inventions, and innovators from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that helped shape our world
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Saturday, April 30, 2011

NOT your Average GIF -WOW to Cinemagraphs!

"American Celebrity"  ( Double click image to open in GIF view)
"Anna"      ( Double click image to open in GIF view)

Collaborating talents, Photographer and Video person, photographer Jamie Beck and motion graphics artist Kevin Burg create  animated GIF to a level of fine art, with their "cinemagraphs" of animated creations that are "something more than a photo but less than a video." Beck takes the photos and Burg applies the motion-graphics in "a highly collaborative process" that can take several hours of manual editing.
Mesmerized by the results, I want to share some of my favorites from their glowing results and an interview by My Modern Met with the creative artists.

"Meet me at the Bar"   ( Double click image to open in GIF view)

Related articles
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Friday, April 8, 2011

"Driving Ms Verdi" Google Driverless Car

Google Driverless Car -Sebastian Thrun 

One of my dreams is coming true- a Driverless Car! 

I had the pleasure of meeting Sebastian at M.I.T. a few years ago, at which time he presented the robotic car competitions of his Stanford University labs. Now in his TED presentation - we can see the video's of the Google Driverless Car he is committed to perfecting in recognition of a friend who died in a car accident as a youth. 
 The Google car has already test driven over 140,000 miles along the West coast - with a trip as from San Francisco to Los Angeles successfully navigating curves, obstructions, and road traffic.  Thrun contests it will save lives, ease off on the environment by saving fuel, and provide us humans more time to enjoy our lives.
Set my destination and watch me sit back while the cameras and laser tech guides the way- I am ready when it goes retail. Or better yet, use me as a test driver - I'd love to have a chauffeur! 


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is this a Google search or an Ad?

Google's SEO Cat & Mouse.Thanks to for sharing their images for us to see
This very well done infographic portrays the Google search and use of advertising in searches. "Google has used their amazing marketshare to bend the web to their will", according to SEO
It is now the most profitable and powerful companies and is powered by ads. Research has shown that the ads do undermine the credibility of search engines. Googel both measures and monetizes the publishing ecosystem with over $1billion in online ad revenues. Seobook contends that "Their (Google) editorial philosophy and and ad porgrams have likeyl had more impatct on the shape of the web than anything or anyone since Tim Berners Lee created it.

With these comments and info in mind, we (users) need to take it into consideration as we log in to "google" the world for info and data- that we are buying into the advertising world and being used for marketing. I see my gmail with prompts of ads that relate to the words from my gmail messages and become alittle leary.
Who's watching over my Personal life? collecting my INFO and messages?

Big Brother ? or Google?

Infographic by SEO Book
Here is a great image of tracking the Google Algorithym search.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome to iPAD2

Praises are in order for Apple whose iPad2

delivered us the many features that make this device

 the standard for all mobile tablets.  A lighter version makes it easier to carry and built in covers save the cost of an additional accessory. Now with a built in camera and video camera- one can use wifi for FACE-TIME and have one of the BIGGEST viewing screens for taking photos and video. I see it being set up for wide shots and working it's way into more settings.

The apps for photo and video editing are available making for quick editing and uploading to our clouds or social networking accts.

The faster operating system has been a nice feature that will come in handy as we add more functions.
All in all, I think it is a nice time to buy an iPad if you don't have one already. It is one of those advances in techology that gets better with age and gets used in our lives "once we get our hands on it".  

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Art & Technology of Film " SKYLER"

"SKYLER" the art(&tech) of film-making
"SKYLER" film by Director / Artist Clenet Verdi-Rose

Coming to a theatre near you...

"Skyler", a great film and marketing example for us digital designers and techies, as it exemplifies the integrated roles of film maker/ creative artist and the role of technology in relationships today.  Checkout  the website's  social media profiles of character conversations and the collage poster composed from still photos from the film.

"Skyler" director, Clenet Verdi-Rose, began as an artist and took his creative skills to the screen directing- much like
Tim Burton, Academy Award Director whose drawings will soon exhibit at Los Angeles Museum of Modern Art.  Creative artist meets technology as the Skyler director, Clenet,  took digital stills from the film and used Adobe Photoshop and plugins to create collages of photos for the poster and marketing website.

The film, "Skyler"  also incorporated examples of Social Media communication that are now impacting relationships and are portrayed on it's website as the actors use Skype texting, and Facebook profiles. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPAD2 Intro by Steve Jobs

Jim Wilson/The New York Times photo of Steve Jobs/iPad2
iPAD 2  Steve SpeakThe time has come, Steve Jobs is talking about the newest iPad 2 describing it's much awaited new features of Face-time, cameras, and photo and video editing software. The new case has little magnetic tabs which allows it some safety and stability as a stand. It is not my intention to use an iPad as my primary camera; however, it will make mobile communications using iChat video and Skype usable with images. Looking at the video on the Apple site  ,  the video makes it look pretty tempting for more people to use and integrate this device for family connections and documenting gatherings. 

There will be a faster operating system with longer battery life with iMovie and Garageband. 
Look forward to seeing it come out on March 11, 2011!