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iPads are made for school and here is another app to attest to that statement. Teachers will be able to open their student's grades and provide updates, grades, and comments if their school institutions are using Pearson's PowerSchool program.
Will be trying it and update you on the user friendliness of this free app.
According to the THE
- Create and score assignments - Teachers will be able to quickly create assignments, enter scores and comments, and update final grades
- View student groups - Student learning groups and teams are available to support differentiated instruction and assessment
- Manage class rosters - Enrollment changes that occur in the front office will automatically be reflected in PowerTeacher Mobile
- View student demographics - Student demographic information and photos entered in the office will automatically be available to teachers
- Email students and contacts - Teachers are able to quickly send email messages to parents and students
- Access student alerts - Medical, guardian, discipline, and other alerts created in the front office are visible to teachers
- Easily connect - Teachers simply enter their school ZIP code, and PowerTeacher Mobile automatically connects to their PowerSchool database
- Trust the security of their data - Teachers are able to access only their own schools and classes they teach and can log in using their existing account information
- Access support - Support for PowerTeacher Mobile is built right into the app
PowerSchool version is required to use PowerTeacher Mobile. To download PowerTeacher Mobile, go to http://itunes.com/app/powerteachermobile/.
For more information, press only:
Adam Gaber, Pearson, 800-745-8469, adam(dot)gaber(at)pearson(dot)com