Friday, July 29, 2011

Apple Store- "MADE IN CHINA" not by Steve Jobs

By now you may have read the "BirdAbroad" blog that relays an American traveler's surprise at seeing an Apple store in China that was NOT Steve Jobs plan.  For one who heads to an Apple Store in every new city I travel, hearing this only stimulates my curiousity as to how "close one can go with this". Even to the Apple shirts and tags for the customers and the spiral staircases in many of the stores.
The Wall Street Journal has posted additional pictures that reveal more information.

Images from the Wall Street Journal  relay to the extent the copiers did to make it look so much like the stores around the world that Apple strategically places. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Google+ Something LIke FB with more "privacy?"

Here is Google's new attempt to add features - mobile ones- to keep "us all connected with our "friends". Ok, anytime someone uses that term now, we have to question

Two things come to mind,

1. Just WHO are your friends?  and do you want ALL of your "friends"
personal circles, family, work, and new acquaintances and OLD flames
to be in this INNER CIRCLE?

2. Let's see what we have learned from the NEW MySpace and Facebook before "jumping in'
BUT do USE the GOOD In all and enjoy!!:  )

Anything we sign up for now and who we choose to include - may need some updating
and social re-building.

So before we JUMP IN and TRY the NEW way to connect-
My word of caution is..

As you select your friends and treat them with respect and loyalty-
select your friends' connections and share their personal info with the same.
If you think that Mark Zuckerberg ( and your "friends" on FB) has info about you, knows what you do , did , and with who and when..etc etc.. Google + is competing with them!  That said, proceed with caution. Colleges and Future employers "check" those online profiles and SEE your weekend and social life info. 

Another way to connect- like a new relationship- Go cautiously! 
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