Thursday, March 31, 2011

Is this a Google search or an Ad?

Google's SEO Cat & Mouse.Thanks to for sharing their images for us to see
This very well done infographic portrays the Google search and use of advertising in searches. "Google has used their amazing marketshare to bend the web to their will", according to SEO
It is now the most profitable and powerful companies and is powered by ads. Research has shown that the ads do undermine the credibility of search engines. Googel both measures and monetizes the publishing ecosystem with over $1billion in online ad revenues. Seobook contends that "Their (Google) editorial philosophy and and ad porgrams have likeyl had more impatct on the shape of the web than anything or anyone since Tim Berners Lee created it.

With these comments and info in mind, we (users) need to take it into consideration as we log in to "google" the world for info and data- that we are buying into the advertising world and being used for marketing. I see my gmail with prompts of ads that relate to the words from my gmail messages and become alittle leary.
Who's watching over my Personal life? collecting my INFO and messages?

Big Brother ? or Google?

Infographic by SEO Book
Here is a great image of tracking the Google Algorithym search.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Welcome to iPAD2

Praises are in order for Apple whose iPad2

delivered us the many features that make this device

 the standard for all mobile tablets.  A lighter version makes it easier to carry and built in covers save the cost of an additional accessory. Now with a built in camera and video camera- one can use wifi for FACE-TIME and have one of the BIGGEST viewing screens for taking photos and video. I see it being set up for wide shots and working it's way into more settings.

The apps for photo and video editing are available making for quick editing and uploading to our clouds or social networking accts.

The faster operating system has been a nice feature that will come in handy as we add more functions.
All in all, I think it is a nice time to buy an iPad if you don't have one already. It is one of those advances in techology that gets better with age and gets used in our lives "once we get our hands on it".  

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Art & Technology of Film " SKYLER"

"SKYLER" the art(&tech) of film-making
"SKYLER" film by Director / Artist Clenet Verdi-Rose

Coming to a theatre near you...

"Skyler", a great film and marketing example for us digital designers and techies, as it exemplifies the integrated roles of film maker/ creative artist and the role of technology in relationships today.  Checkout  the website's  social media profiles of character conversations and the collage poster composed from still photos from the film.

"Skyler" director, Clenet Verdi-Rose, began as an artist and took his creative skills to the screen directing- much like
Tim Burton, Academy Award Director whose drawings will soon exhibit at Los Angeles Museum of Modern Art.  Creative artist meets technology as the Skyler director, Clenet,  took digital stills from the film and used Adobe Photoshop and plugins to create collages of photos for the poster and marketing website.

The film, "Skyler"  also incorporated examples of Social Media communication that are now impacting relationships and are portrayed on it's website as the actors use Skype texting, and Facebook profiles. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPAD2 Intro by Steve Jobs

Jim Wilson/The New York Times photo of Steve Jobs/iPad2
iPAD 2  Steve SpeakThe time has come, Steve Jobs is talking about the newest iPad 2 describing it's much awaited new features of Face-time, cameras, and photo and video editing software. The new case has little magnetic tabs which allows it some safety and stability as a stand. It is not my intention to use an iPad as my primary camera; however, it will make mobile communications using iChat video and Skype usable with images. Looking at the video on the Apple site  ,  the video makes it look pretty tempting for more people to use and integrate this device for family connections and documenting gatherings. 

There will be a faster operating system with longer battery life with iMovie and Garageband. 
Look forward to seeing it come out on March 11, 2011!