Sunday, May 15, 2011

Verdi Google Design Contest

GOOGLE Doodle Design Contest
Ms.Verdi's FHS Graphics Classes

Google's Annual Doodle Contest for High School students has students from all over the country creating a special doodle based on the theme, "What I want to do someday".  The following entries were also submitted to the Google nationwide contest. The top three winners will be displayed in our FHS Library. Thank you for voting.


Happy 150 MIT from Verdi Media Works

MIT Celebrates 150 : 150 Ideas, Innovations!

One of my FAV places to learn- Massachusetts Institute of Technology is celebrating it's 150th year anniversary.  The Boston Globe MIT series  has devoted a special section with tributes, facts, and listings of activities. My first memory was as a 14yr old walking up those infamous steps to participate in a mind expanding weekend classes offered to High School students. It was most exciting to be chosen to be part of the StarLOGO program and have the opportunity to meet Mitch Resnick of
Computer Clubhouse and SCRATCH and yes, visit the MIT Media Lab.  One of my "must do" in Life checkoffs.

Giving back to the community with inspiration- MIT Museum has been a great field trip for my High School  students with a tour of the campus that includes the "crocked buildings" and hall of pranks : )
The annual MIT 35 is a great program that introduced me to several innovators with inspiring motivations and ideas for helping to provide our students to nurture their talents. 

One can also "attend' classes for free- as MIT was one of the first universities to share their courses online in the Virtual classes.

Congratulations MIT - you will always be  one of my favs! 

MIT 150: 150 ideas, inventions, and innovators from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology that helped shape our world
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