Monday, December 13, 2010

Techie Shopping Ideas : )

Some of the hottest gifts this year, include accessories for our gadgets.
There are some great new cases that bring protection and easier typing tools.
-Check out the Etch a Sketch case ( pricey but cool and hard case for $39 from My Gear)

  I may just have to get the iPhone ones for the iPhone 3 and 4. BTW- here's the website for a Sonders photographer who did some marketing shots of them and whose friend worked with Ohio Art to create them.  Love it!

There's also the ipad  case with a keyboard- there are several versions - most are in the $64 range - several to choose from. They will add weight but it is easier than using the keyboard on the screen.

I bought lots of iTune gift cards for they can be used not only for music downloads but apps for iPhone and the iPad.  They do add up!

Flash drives are always practical and very handy. We save our projects on a server but using your own flashdrive allows you to bring your work wherever you go- unless you are saving to a "cloud".Even then, it is faster to save and input as you don't have to log in to your email account to save or retrieve the files. Plus Photoshop files are sooooo big!
Blu rays are the way to go for more quality and there are plenty of deals out there if you don't mind shopping online and look for them.  BEWARE of frauds!  A website that looked very legit in design and coverage took my $ 72 of DVD birthday gift for my son and never answered months of phone calls, emails, and had a FAKE store front with a po box when we went to find them in person. Thank goodness we had a credit card that covered loss.
Shopping online has become an answer to avoiding crowds just be cautious!
Enjoy shopping and getting at least ONE new thing to make life more tech abled!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

HIPSTAMATIC - Hooked on ol' school photo for iPhone app

Meet the HipstaMinions from Synthetic on Vimeo.

Here is Hipstamtic - an app for the iPhone that creates some of that magic from developing one's prints in the darkroom- "you never know what surprises will come up".
I have always loved photo taking and later when "moving pictures" in video and film easier and popular. My collection of old cameras attests to the history of photography in my lineage. I love the experimenting and documenting the world with various views. iPhone app allows me to take ONE camera for many effects. Glad to be living in this day and age.    Here is the $1.99 app with a gallery of my pics to follow.

iPhone Hipstamatic app

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Beatles Arrive... to iTunes!

  It's been a hard day's night... but finally,  Apple and Apple come to an agreement and we are able to get our Beatles' music on iTunes. I enjoyed seeing the videos on the Apple site and gallery of images of one of my favorite groups of all time. There box sets and individual albums to add to your iTunes listening pleasures. Enjoy!

Software updates iPad to Print and Multi-task

Steve Jobs promised and we finally got the new software for the iPad that allows for some features our iPhones and iPods got recently- Printing wireless and multi-tasking.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ipad as Presenter Tool

Presenter tools include the iPad - which needs the following items.
1. VGA connection - $30 from Apple store - will display ONLY Keynotes, Movies, & Pic slideshows
2. Document Camera set ups- will Mirror the iPad
Low tech makeshift  ( Web cam or video camera on tripod /gooseneck lamp)
Document Camera- from portable, low resolution ,slower moving images $265
to high end models $600-800 that record, faster transmission)

3. Expedition, Good Reader  $1.99 VGA out put- which is on sale for  $.99

4. Log me in - can operate the Smart Board from iPad
5. TightVNC: VNC-Compatible Free Remote Control Software
/ Mocha VNC  lite for iPad  - for controlling desktop from iPad

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

"APP for That" - "iPads in the classroom"

My photo of MacWorld magazine article on "Appstravaganza!"

"APP for That"  EDUCATION- Fine Arts Photo /Music/Presentation
 With over 200,000 apps for the iPhone and 1,000s' for the iPad-we can usually find an app for all kinds of things- including education.  I did a Google search for "iPads in the classroom" to see 82,000 results about how ipads support teaching to see how others are using ipads and encourage you to do the same.   This new tool with it's mobility is rising in use and has educators why should I use it in schools? Change for what?   I ask, "how can I use iPads in the classroom", "how is it better than a laptop", and "what apps work for what"? 

If the tool can help me manage my classroom more efficiently, than I want it. 
If the tool helps kids learn, I want it more. 
These questions take some time to research, try it, and see if YOU like it. It means changing the way you do things and at first that always takes more time- AND finding out what does NOT work but there is no easy answer.   Educators continue to select a certain book or lesson as it fits their style or addresses students' needs so I don't advocate for ONE tool to fit everyone's needs! 

However, putting a tool in each student's hands that is mobile, multi-tasking, and engaging - there is plenty to do to make teaching and learning more efficient, rewarding, and advanced.  For our students today are not going to be tied down to a pc or limited to reading paper only- they are digital natives born into a life of mobile devices and communications. Books will not be replaced but reading will be and IS on many platforms not just Paper. Writing on a surface to share with others is here to stay but we do have more tools than cave people or Egyptians did. 

As a lifelong Mac lover, I am more open to portable devices that offer the array of apps and design for easy access and learning  I love my iPhone - and appreciate the iPad introduction to more to do with more mobility than my MacBook Pro. Hence, I am exploring this first edition to new learning for "iPads in the classroom". You make your choice.

Here are some apps suggestions.

Presentation tools and more...

Presentation apps in addition to using iPad vga connector and document camera with great reviews: 
iDemoWeb by MightyMeeting Inc to use a VGA out using iPad as a web browser to connect to projector.  $1.99 

2Screens-Presentation Expert   2Screens has the ability to output to a projector from a web browser in addition to many other useful features.  $4.99

Keynote -$9.99 -slide show presentation

Pages-$9.99- word processing program, nice templates, will save  as word document.

Scriptwriting- free- one writes and it will set the format for scripts.

Dragon Dictation- free-Voice recognition to speak, see, and read text, then share to edit and email

ART -Photo

Impression- free - allows you to add a water mark to pics

Photo PAD- free- manipulate pics and make products Zaggskin

PhotoShop Express-free-  tools for cropping, color correction, borders

Louvre- free- Museum art work in gallery form

Getty Images- free- wonderful photographs displayed in true Getty form-editorial, creative, searches

Reuters Gallery- free- News in Pictures and video- great gallery updated daily

Notes - free - note taking and saving
Evernote- free version- jot down notes, take pics, and voice recording, more versatile, can save many places 

GoSkywatch- free- great astronomy tool


Music Studio Lite - free- allows you to create instruments and record tracks 
Entrackment- free- allows remote  controlling devices.  
Virtual Sheet Music- free- access to virtual sheet music
Pandora- free- Start with favorite music or artist and it creates a library or station of similiar music. 


Frogs in a POCKET- free -  non-violent game getting frogs to develop and multiply for points
Netflix- subscription for film rentals 

Using "iPads in the classroom" is a hot topic as more students and their families are sharing them at home for school research, entertainment, and communications with reports of  how happy they are as the tools are "easier to hold" and multi- task. It's one big advantage being is the mobility, using less paper and ink, and multi-access to resources.  
The apps make it increasing more user friendly and applicable to enriching our lives. 
I will be exploring more and making more reviews for use, in the meantime, Enjoy! 

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

iPad Archietecture

Pictures say 1000 words, well here are some ways that the iPad is changing our worlds.
Clarke Hopkins Clarke Idea Architects' iPad Library Wall Au

From the proposed iPad Wall designed by Clarke Hopkins Clarke
Idea Architects to a school library lab and homes... the touchpad revolution with access to the internet is transforming the way we read, access information, and the mobility of the device - changing the way we "meet" to use it.  The iPad is the mobile device but touch screens are everywhere - from the Hard Rock Cafe on Hollywood Blvd in LA that has touchscreen walls to entertain and teach about music history.

German cars with mounted iPads
Here is a strong PTO who helped to create the IMAGINARIUM
( iPad Lab) at the Pinnacle Peak Elementary School in Scotsdale, Arizona, decorated much like the APPLE store model with white walls, single words of inspiration, and what I call, Pods of learning.
A sixth grader came up with the focus . See the broadcast at the KTVK link.

Mounts for the Ipad are available  for homes, cars, and more.  The iPad mount accessory by Modulur , Griffin's cabinet attachment, and ProClip USA to name a few. The cost of $70 can put an iPad in a convenient place that once the plasma screens were popular for. This list get longer as I have even seen a rear seat iPad mount for the German cars like the  BMW "iPAD Out" mounts .

When an object becomes a frequent item in our every day life- it is no longer considered a luxury but a tool that does the job.  That is what I see with the students in my classes who pick it up and explore without hesitation ( or awe) applying to their focus to the task it does. Just the way tech should be. 

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mirroring Your iPAD : )

iPad for Presentations are limited right now as the software has not arrived that allows us to mirror the image;
however, using a "document camera" enables one to do this.

I do not recommend spending up to $800 for a Document Camera while we wait for the updated software so
here are some alternatives.

1. Use an old Digital Camera or Digital Camcorder or an old WebCam
2. Overhead projector stand or Copy Stand Or... Tripod with strapped to a viewing platform.
3. Connect the Camera to a Computer / LCD projector
and viola

a Document Camera capability.

Here are some articles for your viewing pleasure and other options.

This one is a YouTube  from
 demo advertising products for a make do.

Some attach a camera to a lamp but I would not suggest this for a classroom. 

: () saving lots of $$ in the meantime... and getting to use your iPads even more efficiently.

How to Build a Document Camera |

Saturday, October 9, 2010

John Lennon Legend -Google Tribute

Our world has been touched by great musicians and innovators. "The Beatles" legendary, John Lennon whose songs forever touch our hearts and spoke of the world being a 'better place" was celebrated by  Google  who recognized John Lennon's 70th Birthday with this doodle on Google sites. I chose this model for my digital design classes as an example of creativity, technical skills,  musical content, and history. I feel fortunate to have seen him perform live in their first concert to the U.S.A. and follow his life as his music changed the world forever.  Thank you Google for remembering him and  Thank YOU, John Lennon for leaving us your songs to live by.
"John Lennon Google Tribute"
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Thursday, July 22, 2010

FACE TIME for Apple - Looking pretty Good & Busy!!

If you think that Apple is hurting from the bad publicity with it's new iPhone 4 antenna signal problem- try visiting an Apple store and see if you can get in. In the past two weeks, I have been in several from the East coast (Boylston St, Boston) to the West coast-(The Grove, Santa Monica, Pasadena, CA) and each time the places have been packed! all times of the day!  People are crowding these stores and standing in lines - where Apple is   taking reservations (3 week wait for the iPhone 4) and the white one is not even out yet! 

The best features -FACE TIME!  It is special!
The iPhone 4 shape is one that I could get accustomed to but the camera features are it's selling draw for me. There are other phones out there that have flashes ( some have 2) but an iPHONE is the real deal has it is the whole package with apps, design, and easy to use software.
Facetime allows real time video with cameras on the front and back- one can take pics of themselves without handing over their camera to an unknown passerby. The images are very nice quality and sure to be included in online travel galleries around the world.

Since you already pay for connectivity  (and were getting unlimited data with iPhone 3- you are grandfathered )and no worry about minutes!  Why do you need skype?  Love it!

The downsides are the signal issues - which I myself- will wait to buy the next generation iPhone 4.
With so many people buying them, I think AT&T need to upgrade their system - which I hear their rebuild is happening in Los Angeles areas this coming fall. Unfortunately, some film biz people are sticking with Blackberries until their reception is better. Can't afford to drop a call when you have an A-List actor, 1st AD, or investor on the line and trying to run a show- time means $$$$.
 For me, it's all about family

Friday, July 9, 2010

"Don't touch this! Well, yes you have to" iPad screen

How life has changed .. with touchpad screens.  I remember being told "Don't touch the screen with our hands" and now that is how we select our applications and operate our machines. The iPad screen is not the monitor of the old days but are made to be durable- at least to a certain extent.  With other LCD screens and devices using the touch screen process- this is where our world is going. 

Eventually it has to be cleaned of the finger prints which I first recommend using the black cleaning pad that comes with devices like the iPhone. One  Apple rep recommended iKlear to clean smudges. It costs about $30 but goes along way and can be used for other devices.

I hear the iPad has a coating, oleophobic coating, that protects it but anything harder than the screen, such as a stylus could produce damages. PCWorld did a test and says it is hard to scratch.

If something does happen.. here are some ideas.

Remember, "if you break it, you own it"- well that goes with most warranties too. Insurance is pretty expensive if the warranty covers YOUR mistakes and mishaps. It usually covers the machines issues- unless some nice representative hears your sob story and decides to give you a break after your dog chewed it up.

Insurance plans cover damages and need to be carefully compared for pricing and details. Priot to buying an iPad and hearing the sales pitch  from Apple and Best Buy- be sure to check out other third party companies such as:, Safeware insurance, and Worthwive group.

There are also places that will repair damages for you or sell you the parts and guide you through the process. I have used the FIX-IT to replace hard drives, screens, and installing computer parts but have not opened an iPhone or iPad - although looked at the step by steps. The "magic of the laptop" was spoiled when I first opened an iBook to replace parts and realized the delicate pieces of aluminum foil like materials were what connected me to the whole world. Also, I know how easily one PULL can ruin your whole day. Find someone with some experience or pay them to help you.

Two of my favorite places for advice and step by step guides are Popular Mechanics "How to open an iPad"  and i-Fixit , which provides the tabs with the glass repair kits and researched to find the easiest way for owners to replace their own glass.

iPad Cracked Glass Repair,   
Repairs Universe

Hope we don't have to think about these things but better to be informed than without your tools of your trade and entertainment. :  )

Friday, July 2, 2010

Angry Birds

On Gaming.... "Angry Birds"

Being the summer time and unwinding a bit, I headed back to "Angry Birds" game to see if I can move to the next level. Yes! one has to play video games to get an appreciation of the strategies and recognize how kids get hooked on them. I keep thinking I can move the whole iPad as if "tiltling" a pinball machine or using the race car game that one uses the iPad like a steering wheel.
I do recommend shutting the volume OFF - the noise of the birds is irritating although I miss hearing the sounds of the items falling. Made it to the 3rd Level!! Never with that score , Yet!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Take me out to the Ball Game!!

As a Computer Graphics/ Webdesigner Teacher, I am lucky to see the school year wrap for our summer break. Life is all about using technology as a tool- not something to consume one instead of living.  Sometimes the "tool" can allow one the time to have fun or in some situations, more time to have fun!  One example was when a friend invited me to a Red Sox game. I was thrilled to go but had work to do but  I said "yes" because I had an iPad. 

On the bus ride up to Fenway ( free WiFi on the bus), I used my iPad to catch up on school emails online, complete a student recommendation, and even had time to watch a movie using  Netflix.  The movie stopped once but came in right away at the same spot. The images were so clear and with ear phones- no other riders were not bothered. The ride was very relaxing and went by quickly.  I got to Fenway Park and had time to spare so enjoyed the sights and sounds that make Boston a great place to be a fan. I admit I put the iPad away but did use my iPhone to snap some pics (one above ) and checked a question we had about baseball stats.  All made for a productive and enjoyable day- especially since the Red Sox won!!

Friday, June 18, 2010


 As a career educator who has spent many a summer tutoring privately motivated and ambitious students for the upcoming SAT exams, this iPad app is a gem!  Contrary to the old school paper flash cards, the Princeton Review introduces a quiz format that helps one review vocabulary and reading lessons.
I only tried the sample version but was impressed with the taste of challenges it presents for self learners and reinforcement of vocab for the big exam.

Cliff Notes -
In the same light of studious apps, the all time Cliff Notes has an iPad version with organizers to strategically plan one's learning. It has a form for planning and tips for students, character plotting guides, and sample essays for comparing topics for analysis.  Used as an addendum to one's reading the novels, this is a wonderful complement as a study guide.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

3-D printers, or plastic extrusion machines that can make products, are poised to enter home electronics market -

3-D printers, or plastic extrusion machines that can make products, are poised to enter home electronics market -

iPAD- "Coming to a school near you?"

iPads are school, well, colleges right now.

A few signs that iPads are coming to school officially began last week in my first online class with California educators on the topic of "How to use the iPad in Education".  The enthusiasm and high interest of fellow educators whose comments were well founded in creditable, applicable uses of a new tool made for a good reason to embrace this new tool. I thank them for sharing new apps and ideas.

Other signs on the college front, are the lucky students will be getting free iPads at the some colleges and universities including the  Illinois Institute of Technology .  They are providing their undergraduates iPads in order to introduce them to new technologies. Seton hall is also giving all entering students an iPad for connectivity. There are some glitches (no surprise for new tech)  in the networking connectivity in a few colleges- Princeton and George Washington University - but Apple is working on the security issues.

My thoughts always go back to the basics, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic in which the iPad has made some great progress.  An advantage the iPad has is in Reading.


My preference for 'reading books on the iPad' includes  the visual swish of the page turning, ability to lighten the screen with no need for a night reading light, definitions of words readily available WITH additional info, and books are cheaper! One can also have the text read aloud to them by changing the settings for voice aloud- very helpful for dsylexic and  visually impaired challenges are overcome as one can have books read aloud.

 One book or app can be shared on one computer with many iPads ( at least for now) which means we save on purchasing many books or apps. In our fiscal crisis now, that is a big plus!

It still seems more likely that the iPad is prompting the digital textbook era indicated by the new Kindle app for the iPad and the app for Direct purchasing of textbooks.

As for reading, Palm Beach State College has a e-digital library with iPads that patrons can check out and download a book to read. It is a service beyond it's time and sounds wonderful.

My prediction is: let it get into more people's hands and used more often. The real test is in it's use.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

iPad is sooo cool!

After shopping around to find a pocketbook or travel bag, I went to Ebay and got a great iPAD case.
 $10.95 and free shipping - this is a great buy and works really well. Also has a kick stand that slides nicely against the back cover when not in use. It feels and looks like leather and holds the iPAD in place while using it in all positions. Never use an iPad without a case!

APPs  Although I have Pages and Keynote on my Mac- I need SOME creative tools on my iPAD so bought them for about $20 this week and really love the Keynote ( similar to PowerPoint for presentations) but has the most gorgeous and eye captivating wipes and visuals. It is easy to use to make your content look very professional and eye catching especially on The iPad. Plus, you can connect the iPad directly to show it to a group without carrying your computer. Pages ( like Word) is for making word documents for Mac products and transferable to Word documents. The templates for teachers, home, and business produce professional documents.

Urban Spoon: Looking for a place to eat and want more info than Yelp, go to URBAN SPOON. I  love it! It identifies places to eat, maps, reviews, etc in an easy format with a fun spin! iPad version is so easy to view and locates your choices on a map connected with reviews and directions.
With over 25,000 choices in LA alone, it helps as it narrows down the choices by cost, all types of food, and locations.
Games:  I was up late at night this week, trying to get past  Level 4  on "Angry Birds" lite version -video.  Physics problem- solving skills are useful as one uses little birds to tumble down walls of crystal, wood, and bricks surrounding smiling pigs. The animal sounds are annoying and if you turn them down, you miss the tumbling crystal and poofs of success. Yes, I downloaded the HD version and made it to Level 10 in no time. Physics is helpful. Some have said that you can download the iPhone version for one dollar but the iPad version has better graphics.  Thanks, Clenet, for telling me all about tapping for extras, ie. blue birds burst to three, red birds to power thrust, and patience!

iPad in Education: Yes! iPADs are great for schools!  I am a working model of how it is so applicable to the schools and learning and will report to you all.   Students are really excited, so excited that it is becoming a popular choice for birthday and graduation gifts. High school students are leaders and smart about grasping to new things! This is one of them.

Monday, May 3, 2010

"Painting Electronics" of M.I.T. Media Lab was GREAT!

"Painting Electronics"
Leah Buechley & team of the 
M.I.T. Media Lab 

High Tech/Low Tech
Picture Projects
iPhone (left)
iPad (Right)
by Peg Verdi

Wonderful, exciting, and innovative studies are being done in the M.I.T. Media Lab and here was another chance for me to experience it firsthand. On a beautiful sunny Saturday in Cambridge, I was surrounded by a great group of creative, innovative, well versed in technology and design people who guided our equally motivated and talented group of learners as we journeyed into the world of integrating circuitry and design at M.I.T.  Leah Beuchley- High Tech /Low Tech Studies  workshop assisted by her team of innovators (  Emily Marie Lovell, Dave Mellis, Hannah Perner-Wilson, and Bonifaz Haufman )   all of whom were so helpful, patient, and knowledgeable. I  learned soooo much- using the right side and the left side of my brain !    Exploring how technology facilitates expressions and ways it empowers us in communication and the arts is exciting. Teardrop kits used  for paper models ( which our table took to 3D paper models) and touching upon the pop book with dynamic aspects of sound and light Would love to work with the wearable elements of circuitry and modular chips. Thanks Dave for the explanation of how to program the chips and Leah and Emily for guiding my design and bridges. Will share some more pics of this great day- in the meantime, look at these pics for what is 'behind the scenes".  and many thank you's to Leah, her staff, and my new table creator friends! ( Susan, Angela, and Violet! ) for fulfilling one of my dreams and opening a new door of discovery and creating for me.
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Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Clash of the FLASH" Apple's Steve Jobs speaks out


  "   Clash of the Flash"   continues...
Today, Steve Jobs returned to the forefront introducing the new iPHONE OS 4 confirming that Adobe Flash is not supported on iPhone and iPAD devices applications with the addition of  "his Thoughts on Flash" letter on the Apple site. This is not a surprise to the media who have gotten developers to create applications that DO work on them, including the HTML5 which is "in the works". This is evidenced by the over 200,000 apps available and more in the making; as well as the NYTIMES and other news media that have created "iPhone/ iPad ready" reading. His reasoning is based on the notion that "Flash was devised for PC use...not touch screen devices" and the dependence on third party to develop is curtailing progress.

Rumors are out (Mail ONline) that Steve Jobs may be introducing the new iPHONE G4 in June at the world developers meeting along with the new iPhone OS system. We are looking forward to seeing the advancements - as I love cameras, as you know, and this one reportedly has a flash and built in video conferencing device- 
and NO Flash. 

For additional reading on the new iPHONE OS4 and Steve Jobs KEYNOTE see the Apple site. 
Mail ONline

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What life is all about...

This first singer, Roger Ridley, I have heard many times performing in Santa Monica while visiting the Third Promenade with my son. He draws a huge crowd amidst the many performers, visitors, and shoppers and was not surprised to see him in this film. Just loved the film making the  global connection of one of our family favorites,  "Stand by Me".

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

May I have the new iPhone 4g?

Wish I was at the bar the other night
when someone from Apple ( reportedly named Grey Powell) dropped an iPhone.
More square, front face video iChat , higher
resolution screen,beefed up camera with a flash, and longer life battery. Not too shabby.
Trust me, a loyal Apple fan, I would 
have called Steve (Jobs) and
reported it-hopefully, appreciated
with a big thank you and lifetime
opts for all new Apple stuff.

Gizmodo would not have gotten it's
hands on it nor my other
friend Bill (gates).
Just me, fam, & students and
(this blog)would have seen first
hand the new prototype.
Free testing here , Steve in case
you want to drop any more -
no need to go to bars; )

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Training Day at "the Apple store"

When my brother and son heard that I was headed to Boston this weekend, they knew I'd be at the Apple on Boylston. Thanks to Apple specialist's Nick, I learned so much and am convinced the iPAD is a great innovation, an America's economy booster,  and a life changing tool. It is opening jobs for app makers, gadget bag designers, and forcing people in all professions to ask "how can this tool change my life to be more productive, enriched, and fun"?

A prospective customer who is an architect creates with Sketchup (Google's 3D modeling program), visits a site, gets a pic, and writes a report- loved the on-site portability of an iPad (altho an iPAD camera would be faster). 
For a teacher and parent, iPAD gives you one free book, "Winnie the Pooh" and sets you on your way to download from iBook apps on Ipad with library, bookmark sections, dictionary look-up, and google search for more in-depth explanations.  I wonder if it will read aloud to you... hmmm.

I love watching sports and - gives you REAL time plays of games in action -animated online.
NETFLIX - well, a $9.00 subscription offers you unlimited viewing of VERY Clear films on the iPAD.

There is more -- for another blog.. right now, I am looking up more apps for when it comes.
Yes, I do love iPAD.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

meeting with the iPAD

iPAD is here!  Apple stores across the country were filled with curious customers ( yes, many walking out with a newly shaped package ) while the poor Kindle people at Borders sat lonely at their booths with reading tablets.
Young and old, people waited in lines to feel it, try it, and see what it is all about.
I've already heard from a few students who will be getting an iPAD - one for a birthday gift and another who will replace their laptop.

According to Chitka Research Labs ' running counter of the number of iPads sold as of this Thursday posting, it is well  over 520,000,  and counting. California is the "iPadiest" state according to their numbers and Massachusetts number 8 with 1,341 pop per pad.

We have heard of some issues with the Wi-Fi in the past few days, verified by the recent  Apple Support  advice offered online that includes "moving closer to the router". That is ok for now, but I look forward to the software update to correct the issues. While they're at it, throw in a camera on mine, Thank you. ;  )

Saturday, April 3, 2010

First Look at iPAD Big Day!

... well, almost.
 It is alittle too early to head in for the iPAD. I'm outside the Apple store where there are Huge black curtains covering the front windows as the store gets ready for the iPAD sales opening.  It is almost midnight and the workers just slipped another crew member in the door. Big Day tomorrow.
Have to thank my son, Clenet  for the pic and
more importantantl  for ...holding me back-
I was headed for the open door  :  )

Friday, April 2, 2010

iPAD Updates: Apps are in & Free iPad with new Hyundai!

If you see the sign, get a free iPAD - it's true! just buy a new Hyundai and you'll get it's auto manual all loaded on a brand new iPad.

For me, I will be one of the first people at an Apple store tomorrow (April 3)to see touch, and feel the new iPAD. I am waiting for my delivery in order to trade in my Prototype that I made to demonstrate to my students the size and look of this much awaited tablet.

Whether you are an Apple lover like me or not, this new Apple tool has already created new things in the world. According to PC World, many places are adding HTML 5 versions for the iPad to view online publications- supplementing the Adobe flash file versions.

Developers are seeing this as a money making venture, with the new iPADS launched on Thursday, many of them are selling for alot more than the iPhone free and 99cents ones.

Monday, March 29, 2010

DOVE BEAUTY CAMPAIGN - what is supposed to be"beautiful"

We all want to look our best and we are subjected by the media as to 'what is beautiful"
forgetting that what we SEE is not REAL as we are.
Dove Beauty Campaign has done alot of good helping us see the differences in how makeup and photobrushing can make the BEST appear so picture perfect.

See for yourself by watching this video and live life knowing you are not alon.

Photo manipulations

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

iPad updates

 iPAD - educator discount. Wish I had money to buy a ten pack of iPADs for a group of
students- I'd get a big $20 discount. Hmmmm not much of a reduction for educators
when their budgets are being slammed on a daily basis and taking another furlough day
is always in the works. 
There is a new iPhone / iPad app that will enable one to pass along a presentation or content file to various methods of interchange for presentation and sharing purposes.

 mighty meeting for iPAD

It is still in the pre-order stage so don't start on what it can do. I remember people ragging the iPod and the iPhone when they first came out. NOT me!!  I LOVE them!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

iPAD empowers Multi-learners

Apple dishes new iPad details on 3G, iBooks, more

Looking for a good review of the new iPAD, my suggestion is to read the MacWorld article.
Thanks to a generous "friend of Falmouth Schools" I get a hard copy each month to share with
my students but here it is online.

Yes, the camera will be missed from the iPad but being able to read and write with more ease on a larger platform than the iPhone yet more portable than a laptop- the advantages are here.

Great for multi-sensory learners, the iPad offers iBooks (free download) and voice over reading with preferences for left or right ears.

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