Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One of a kind "Steve jobs"

Having just heard of the passing of one of my fav Innovative Leaders, Steve Jobs - the creator and leader of Apple- I am deeply saddened.
It is not about the business and the stability of Apple products nor the economy or possible loss of jobs- it is the loss a driven man whose curious mind and Genius being - lived the American Dream. He collaborated with others producing a box that allowed the every day person to have computers and later devices that changed our lives.

I recall many years Apple products had to strive ahead amongst comments and downplaying as they competed with PC / Microsoft -
from it's early start when they made a model in a garage and Jobs shaved his beard and wore a suit to sell a uniquely designed component offering the everyday person an operating system on a  home computer.
His passionate genius and demand for Design with an end to empower the masses!

Design is not just the way it looks and feels but how it works- using good design to democratize technology.
Words that some have interpreted Jobs' philosophy.

He started to make computers so everyone could use them - something I first learned in 1983. Later,
Jobs extended that idea to other devices and each one I longed to get "the first one". Being one of those Apple lovers who has to watch every Apple presentation and have my picture at every store looking to try the newest devices, applications, and now apps. My son grew up in a household with no other computer and was one of the first to get an iPod- we still have the well designed box.

My preference for "Apple" met some who argued the products were too limited, too expensive, or not practical as it had unique software. However, the designs and products excelled in meeting our needs over the years to changing the way we communicate, create, and use technology.
I am happy that Jobs ( and I) have lived long enough to see how Apple has captured the eyes of the world. The iPod and iTunes began the cross over and the emerging of the iPhone sealed the deal. The Apple stores that are free Internet places and encourage free acess to computers, Internet acess, and software creations with training to this day are examples of making technology available to the masses.

Extending my sympathies to Steve Jobs' wife and family as we "friends" of our Apple genius also mourn his loss.

I end this blog with his words..."Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition - they somehow seem to know." Steve Jobs at Stanford U. Graduation 2005

Thank you, Steve for enriching and empowering my life- you are missed dearly,

an Apple lover and admirer of innovative genius,

Peg Verdi

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